Channel: Pre-Schooler: Review – MomCenter Philippines
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Give Your Kid’s Baon a Healthy Twist with these Sinabawang Ulam


Baon — one word that can send a shiver down most school moms’ spines. Moms already spend a ton of effort, time, and preparation in coming up with a healthy menu plan for the whole family regularly. And doing the same for the kids’ baon for school for 10 months is enough to drive any mom to pieces.

Moms need to consider several things when preparing their kids’ baon. This includes ease of preparation in the morning because let’s admit it, we don’t want to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just to cut vegetables and cook — we wake up early enough as it is. Second is if the food will keep its freshness until our kids’ recess time because there’s nothing worse (or even dangerous!) then stale baon. And lastly, it should also be a healthy meal that our kids love so that they are sure to eat it all.

Having said all these, it’s understandable how moms can resort to “fried baon” days every once in a while. Fried meats can be a life-saver on days when we wake up late and admittedly, they keep well throughout the day, are easy to pack, and most kids like them. However, we have to admit that compared to masabaw na ulam or soupy viands, fried viands are not the healthiest option to serve our kids. Masabaw na ulam or soups are a great way to boost your kids’ vegetable intake — serving it up to them in a nice appetizing dish increases the chances of them trying it out. If your child more or less loves veggies, then these soupy viands are a great way to support this. But if your child is a picky eater who turns up his nose on greens, then these viands are also a good way to expose him to healthy dishes — sooner or later he will try it or you can also try to sneak in small chunks here and there.

So if your child is asking for sabaw as baon, then it’s best to take advantage and serve it up! We’re saving your sanity this time and offering you three soupy ulam recipes that you can consider including in your kids’ baon menu. And another plus, they’re also easy-peasy to prepare and cook.

Photo from: https://www.kawalingpinoy.com/
Photo from: https://panlasangpinoy.com/
Photo from: https://www.yummy.ph/

Preparing healthy meals or baon for kids and getting them to eat it is a struggle most moms contend with daily. So we should thank all the gods above if our child asks for a healthy ulam for his baon and do everything necessary to do so. Aside from these easy baon tips, another lifesaver for moms in preparing healthy soupy dishes for their family is Knorr Pork and Chicken Cubes. Gone are the days when moms have to prepare pork and chicken broth hours (or even days) in advance. Knorr Pork and Chicken Cubes are made with real meat, adding meaty, full-flavored deliciousness to the dish. With Knorr Pork and Chicken Cubes, moms are sure to get the pork or chicken broth goodness for steaming, healthy, and yummy baon of chicken tinola, soupy monggo and lugaw.

For more recipe inspirations, visit Knorr.

*Published with Knorr.

The post Give Your Kid’s Baon a Healthy Twist with these Sinabawang Ulam appeared first on MomCenter Philippines.

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